Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day!
Friday 21st March 2025 was a very busy day in Oatlands Primary School. The school hosted a coffee morning for all parents and guardians of neurodiverse children. This was a great success. We would like to thank Sarah Slattery, Creative Psychotherapist Specialising in Play Therapy, for joining us. Sarah spoke to all parents and we are very grateful for her wonderful insights. We also had a very informative presentation from Lizzy Scott and Lily Byrne (4th Class). They both did such a wonderful job presenting!
We also celebrated World Down Syndrome Day on the 21st of March. The boys and girls all got involved by bringing a sock into school. Each class had the opportunity to hang up their socks on our washing line outside the office. On Friday the boys and girls wore odd socks into school to support the ’Rock Your Socks’ campaign. Some of our 6th class pupils were very busy that morning rocking their socks and collecting donations for the Down Syndrome Centre. They did a fantastic job and we are very proud of them. Many thanks to everyone for your support on the day! Many thanks to Mrs Carbery for organising and co-ordinating such a successful day!
Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Dhaoibh!

World Book Day
Pancake Tuesday!
Our lucky junior corridor enjoying pancakes in the sun!

Drop Everything And Draw in Ms Boyd's 2nd Class

Thank you to Ms Healy's 2nd Class for their presentation on Safer Internet Day!
Well done to all the fantastic acts in the Oatlands' Got Talent Show this year. Special thanks to Ms Hilary for organising the show, running auditions and practices and getting our new sound system set up on time for the big day.
From singing, to dancing, to playing piano, keyboard and guitar, from solving a Rubiks Cube in under 20 seconds, to Tarot readings to our wonderful MC's, we really have shown that Oatlands does have a lot of talent!
My name is Ronan. I played Thunderstruck by AC/DC on electric guitar both this year and last year. There are loads of great talents this year. The show was super fun and I really enjoyed taking part. I am sure the audience enjoyed it too!
- Ronan, 5th Class
Volleyball Tournament
On the day of the volley ball tournament, we went to the Sports Ireland Campus in Blanchardstown. We had a boys team and a mixed team and we played against lots of schools. We won a lot of matches and lost a few. We had an amazing time, and it was a great experience playing against other schools. A bit thanks to our coach Miriam and Evelina.
by Piyanshi, Daina and Ines (6th Class)